On Sunday the 7th of November the PR Systems and B&G Icicle series got under way with fleet of twelve boats being greeted with sunshine and 2kts of variable wind which was surprising as a steady 13 kts was forecast.
Race officer Jerry Lock decided on a short delay of 10 minutes under AP, allowing for the wind to arrive from the NW as forecast. Allowing a good windward leeward course to be set diagonally across the sound with Melampus as the windward mark just off of Drakes Island.
The first start saw the majority of the fleet at the pin end although well back as most had underestimated the strong foul tide. The larger yachts soon spread the fleet with Peter Wanstall’s Humpreys 30 ‘Men Behaving Badly’ taking the race on corrected time.
Due to the wind shifting further to the North and the tide easing, the start line was reset for the second race.
A clean start again, with new boat to the port ‘Orbit’ (Dominic Bowns’ Jeanneau 3300) getting a great start at the committee boat end of the line. The bigger yachts once again leading the way in the building breeze. This time it was Allan Meredith’s Prima 38 ‘Alfresco’s’ turn to win on corrected time, and the bottle prize for the day.
Big thanks to series sponsors B&G and PR Systems Marine Electronics for their ongoing support with RWYC racing, and to Jerry and the race management team.
Results for IRC, NHC and VPRS at rwyc.org/racing-results

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